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If you need to migrate your project from an outdated version of Quartus, or if you want to perform a crack check on your current code, the following guide should help you. This is part one of two guides. Part two will cover how to make use of this information.Each individual tool has its own set of instructions that are generally easy enough for even novice programmers, though some tools may require more experience than others. The first tool is the Quartus II program itself which includes "a powerful software suite for hardware-based design." The second tool can be used by any individual who wishes to run a crack check on their project using this software suite. The Quick Check option is a relatively simple tool to use. Here's a few steps that should help you. 1. Go to the main program file you're using and select the Preferences button, then click on the Software tab. There you will find a drop down menu, Directories, where you can select your current project directory or another valid directory of your choice. "Note: It is recommended that only one instance of Quartus II be allowed to open files at a time." So make sure there isn't another instance of the program running before continuing to step 2. If there is another instance running, end it or wait for it to end on its own or manually close it first.* 2. Once you've opened the Directories option, you will need to chose your project directory or an already existing directory of your choice. You can then chose which specific projects or files you wish to check for errors by selecting them from the list in the right-hand column. 3. Once you have selected all of your projects in both columns, click OK once at the bottom to close this dialog box and continue with step 4. 4. Now that your project file is loaded into Quartus, simply select Project->Quick Check from the main menu bar above. Be sure that "Enable Checks" is checked when the pop up box appears next. Then simply click OK when finished choosing options and to Start Quick Check. 5. The "Debugger" screen will pop up which you can use to interact with the chip or design you have selected. 6. Once you've finished interacting with your chip, click Open and select one of the options from the bottom left menu. This will save your project again. It may take a few seconds depending on how many files you have open from previous steps, so be patient. 7*. When prompted to either close the program completely, or save your project, select "Save". Your project should now be successfully saved in whichever directory you selected which is probably named something like .quartus2e.. 8*. Exit the program completely by selecting Quit from the main program menu bar at the top. If you want to crack a project that is currently being compiled, this is how it works. 1. Load your project into Quartus II by selecting Project->Load from the main menu bar or pressing F12 in order to open up your project file in the program. Then close all other instances of Quartus II that are running. If you still have another instance running, end it manually or wait for it to end on its own, then quit out of it completely.* 2. eccc085e13